Vision : Wedding Banquet is Starting


A vision was bestowed upon me, approximately at 4 PM, Indonesian Western Standard Time.
The urgency in this vision was exceptionally high, and without further ado, here it is.

In the first scene, I saw lines of long white marble tables with many intricate ornaments and decorations. Upon the tables were tons of delicacies, some were still covered, some were opened. In the chairs, some people were already seated nicely. There were cards with their names written in them in front of their chairs. Most of the chairs were still vacant, even the cards identifying the owners of the chairs laid there.
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An announcement roared over the place. Yes, it ROARED, extremely loudly, "THE BANQUET IS STARTING. THE BANQUET IS STARTING. THE BANQUET IS STARTING."
It repeated, repeated again, and did not stop. The tone clarified urgency and seriousness.

The scene changed. I saw myself changing into my spiritual garments, first of the War Garments (Armor of God, per se, Ephesians 6:14-17), and then into the Wedding Garments (as in Matthew 22:11-12). (I asked the Lord afterwards and yes, we all have our own unique Spiritual Garments! Tailored by the angels specific to our callings or 'color' in the Lord. The degree of its completion, the ornaments added were all proportionate to how we carry on our own callings in Him. Every little tear we shed due to persecution because we carry His Name will add one small ornament, He said!)
And then, I entered into a huge hall, where the Presence and Glory of God was so so thick that I could not resist to dance as to worship Him. I danced and danced with dozens of people there.

The third scene was in the street of some big city. I arrived there with one of my companion. The atmosphere was totally chaotic, at least, for us. The announcement about the invitation to the banquet is roaring over the street, totally audible, but people there just walked by without noticing anything about the announcement. We had this firm sense of duty, "We must drag people into joining the banquet." And confirming it, we heard the Lord said, "Yes, pick them up."
All of a sudden, there were signs in the sky (Luke 21:11) : words of unknown language were scribed on the sky. My partner and I recognized it as the very same words as what the announcement was all about.

However, even many people gathered to look at the sky, they looked confused and did not seem to comprehend the meaning of the words.

The last scene was very sad for me. My partner and I entered into some shop selling party equipments. We searched around and asked, yet, what we wanted to buy was already sold out. I did not know the detail of the thing, but I knew that it was the necessary equipment to enter the banquet. Well, it was not like we will not be able to enter without it, but I knew that we could not present ourselves maximally before the Lord. I was frantic and very ashamed on myself. That was the moment when the Holy Spirit spoke in my heart, softly yet rebukingly : "You should have those prepared previously. You HAD time."

Yes. That is all.
And here are some of the interpretations :
1. Rapture is imminent. The Lord will use more and more of His children to relay this message. Rapture is imminent. We will want to come prepared.

2.Ask the Lord to check on our spiritual condition. That includes our relationship with Him, how hard we try to please Him, how we avert our gazes from things that do not please Him, how we scream with our wholeness that we long for Him, how do we do His bidding. Do we still hold grudges and negative sentiments to our own brothers or sisters in Christ? What unfinished business He still want to deal with in our lives, should be taken care of in Him.

3.Obey every single word He said. The Holy Spirit is soft-spoken. Yup. The story of those servants of the Lord who had God spoke so straightforwardly with them, relentlessly rebuking them.. It happened because they actively want the Lord to be like that with them. They asked the Lord to take care of the unsightly parts of their lives, cutting the fleshly parts. We certainly do not want the Lord to say to us such in Matthew 7:22-23.
Ask Him to be frank with us and open your hearts to the reprimands! See how much your life can be transformed when you actively listen and obey what He said.

4.The veil is there. The veil which blocked us of deeper understanding of the Lord is there. It exists! In Luke 24:31, the disciples' eyes were suddenly opened and they realized that they had been talking with Jesus Himself all along! We can go to church, try to make deeper connection with God in our private lives but we are spiritually dry. That is possibly due to the veil that must be taken down. Do you experience difficulty in worshipping the Lord or praying, it can also be due to this thing. Ask God to make a breakthrough, and recommit in certain areas where you are weak so that you can be reinforced.

To know of the Persona of the Lord is like diving deeper and deeper into an Ocean.
We must keep on diving, for the time is near--and we must reach our full calling in Him.
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A Little Contemplation on Why I Always Find Exceptional Joy In Worship

Author : Harvian

If, I were to be asked, "When do you feel the most alive?"
I would surely reply with, "It is at the moments when the extravagant worship happened. When the heaven's doors are opened, and when we look up it feels like the Lord is so close we could touch Him. When people's hearts became as one no matter the races, dispositions, even religions. I could trade days of boring routines with only few hours of those. When it happens, it is always life-changing."

Psalm 84:10a
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.

Why do worship make us enter such a blissful circumstance? Why do we just want to kneel our feet down upon getting so immersed in worship?
My soul aches to understand those.

Image result for we are made to worship

One answer that I obtained is, that it is the original purpose of our being.
We were meant to serve the Lord all day all night as in Rev 7:15, which by worship as a form, depicted in Rev 8-9.

Each time a worship with the wholeness of heart occurs, our spirit rejoices in the fact that the activity itself is our true calling.
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Prophecy : August 2016

Less than half of 2016 is left,

Less than.... what time is remaining in God's clock--until His second coming--is left.

We were always warned and warned again by how far the time is closing, and that we must truly pursue God's ways.
Somehow, the Lord urged me to write this down : you don't have to feel ashamed or unworthy if you need to be reminded over and over again.
Just simply come and abide His call whenever it may be.
Again, DO NOT feel unworthy and shun His Presence as a result. It in itself is the demons' trickery.
Who are we to judge our worthiness?
Our identity is based on His view towards us : which is clear, the loved ones.
Nobody is worthy from the start, nobody is holy enough to even hold simple conversation to Him, but we ARE MADE worthy. WE ARE MADE HOLY.

Herewith are list of what Sister Felicia got from the Lord at 31st July, 2016 :
  • August will be a month of war
  • A great turmoil will shake up the earth/natures
  • Pay attention to the world of politics : persecution will come to God's chosen people, but He will show His favor upon them and do miracles
  • Starting from August 16, He is moving/rending His angels to do the 'world wealth transfer', Prepare your cups and wineskins.
  • Healing upon families and bodies of Christ will come. He asks His children to pray earnestly and weep for this to happen! "Your tears will be the price. They will be the salve to anoint the eyes of unbelievers" (Revelation 3:18)
  • The Bull's market is going to come to an end
  • Children of God should temper their hoes, sickles, and tools and make them into swords, lances, and bows.
  • The enemy will send a flood of terror and troubles. Only those who hide under God's Presence will be able to endure and get into the next level.
  • Feet! Shoes of Peace and Readiness! It's time to upgrade them! (Ephesus 6:11)
Based on Israel calendar, this year is Ayin (eye) Zayin (hoes).
Year of many works to be done and wars to be fought.
Furthermore, our hoes--our talents, our gifts--are to be tempered to swords and warfare equipments. That can be achieved by using our expertises for the glory of God. Have we really surrendered our talents to the Lord? Pray to the Holy Spirit and He will direct you on creative ways to use tools for God's glory.

If the enemy can't tackle you down, they'll wear you out. Therefore, seek always refreshments from God.

Don't treat God's solution like our problem. Grunt not, do first and then your heart will follow.

Forerunner : you've been given sight so that you could run before others. For example just like Joseph and Daniel.

You can access these links below for more prophecies in line with the ones above.

to use talents God trust us with for His Glory :

great wealth transfer :

tears as cost of victory :
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Warning : Another Glimpse of Hell

I was deep in prayer for weeks and was just starting my first day of fasting when a set of vision came unto me.

It was at night time.

I felt everything around me turned into flames, I could even feel the scorching heat a little.

And this particular verse crossed my mind :

"They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
Matt 13:42

Just when I thought everything was already horrifying to begin with, I realized I was not alone.

Some little jet-black creatures, like big-sized rodents pass through me, sending quite a chill.

But then, I began to realize that I had a Particular Figure beside me : no other but the Lord Jesus Himself!

I relaxed a little, but realization dawned on me that this was not going to be any one of those feel-good visions.

In fact, I was seeing Hell.

After the swarms of the creatures ended with the biggest one sized like a bull trying to get its way along me and God, we began to move on.

There, we stumbled some kind of gothic-styled gate. I noticed the name is written on the ragged board hanging above the gate, but I couldn't make any readings about it aside of "Valley." The words following it are unidentified.

We made our way through the gate and what I saw there is the very definition of grotesque.

Torture equipments are all around in various kinds.

In front of me, a man is continuously stabbed by a giant spike each time a mechanical wheel spins.

He screamed, and screamed more each time it happened. The loop is endless.

Then, we went into a higher ground, and saw some place that was partly covered in ice.

A man is shot by some ice spikes right into the throat.

Then, all the visions stop.

Good brothers, I prompt we take more time to draw closer to the Lord.
Afterlife only has two destinations, Heaven and Hell.
Which are real. Both of them.
The time is closing.

Jesus is coming for the second time.
We are living in the edge of the age.

Spend time wisely.
The world is turning not into the direction of the Lord's.
Spend no time criticizing other believers or even worse your spiritual leader.

The black bull-sized creature trying to get its way between me and the Lord in the vision symbolizes how much the devils want us to be apart from the Lord.
They will try everything they can to make our connection, or, intimately speaking, relation, with God crumble.
And we are not to let them do what they want.

Be assertive in choosing things that will please the Lord.
Horror movies are certainly not pleasing Him.

Be strong, and distinguish what comes from the Lord and what doesn't.
Read Bible and take time to contemplate, and then be a doer as well.

No form of servings is not seen by the eyes of the Lord.
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Don't Let Your Tower of Babel Get Built

Author : Benedictus Harvian

            “Juga kata mereka: “Mari kita dirikan bagi kita sebuah kota dengan sebuah menara yang puncaknya sampai ke langit, dan marilah kita cari nama, supaya kita jangan terserak ke seluruh bumi.

(Image credit :

            Apa Saudara familiar dengan kutipan Alkitab tersebut?

            Yup. Benar. Kutipan tersebut berasal dari Kitab Kejadian 11, dengan judul perikop ‘Menara Babel’. Alkisah, populasi umat manusia di seluruh bumi hanya memiliki satu bahasa dan logat. Mereka menetap di satu lokasi yang sama, yang disebut Sinear atau Babilon.

            Peradaban dan kebudayaan berkembang pesat. Sistem pendirian bangunan yang tadinya hanya menggunakan batu, berkembang menjadi menggunakan batu bata dan ter. Dan pada saat itulah muncul pikiran untuk membangun menara yang menjulang tinggi mengatasi semuanya. Untuk apa, kata mereka?

..marilah kita cari nama, supaya kita jangan terserak ke seluruh bumi.”

Kelanjutannya, seperti yang kita sudah ketahui sendiri, Tuhan mengacaubalaukan bahasa mereka yang tadinya satu menjadi berbagai macam. Pembangunan menara Babel tersebut pun gagal.

Apa yang dapat kita tarik dari kisah tersebut?

Sehari sebelum saya menulis renungan ini, Tuhan memberikan suatu vision ketika saya sedang berdoa. Pada landscape roh saya, saya melihat banyak sekali—ratusan, mungkin—menara-menara. Dan menara tersebut tidak memancarkan suasana yang agung dan damai layaknya sesuatu yang berasal dari Tuhan. Sebaliknya, menara tersebut memancarkan kesombongan, ego, kepentingan diri sendiri, dan fitur-fitur kedagingan lainnya.

“Apa itu, Tuhan?”

Roh Kudus memberikan pengertian bahwa menara tersebut adalah menara-menara Babel yang telah saya biarkan dibangun di dalam diri saya. Di dalam jiwa maupun roh saya. Bagaimana menara tersebut dapat dibangun?

Ternyata, yang menjadi katalis dibangunnya menara tersebut adalah acap kali kita merasa mampu tanpa Tuhan, kecewa dengan rencana Tuhan, merasa sudah paling benar, merasa pencapaian kita adalah berkat usaha kita sendiri, dan masih banyak lagi sifat kedagingan lainnya. Itulah masalahnya pada kasus saya. Dengan kata lain, kesombongan. Cari nama seperti yang dikatakan pada pembangunan menara Babel. Kalau begitu apa yang sebaiknya menjadi sikap hati kita?

Bibit kesombongan memang akan ditebar, baik oleh sifat kedagingan kita sendiri atau oleh si jahat. Tapi tergantung kita apakah akan memupuk dan memelihara bibit tersebut hingga tumbuh besar dan subur, atau sebaliknya minta Tuhan untuk bersama-sama mengecek hati dan roh dan minta Ia mencabut bibit-bibit tersebut.

Berjaga-jagalah dan berdoalah, supaya kamu jangan jatuh ke dalam pencobaan; roh memang penurut, tetapi daging lemah.” –Mat 26:41

Ya. Minta Tuhan cek hati kita lagi dan lagi. Karena percayalah, kesombongan pada akhirnya akan menjatuhkan kita sendiri. Pada sisi sebaliknya, kerendahan diri juga merupakan bentuk kesombongan. Seorang pendeta pernah bercerita bahwa kesombongan dan kerendahan diri adalah layaknya gunung dan lembah. Keduanya sama-sama dapat membuat kita jatuh.

At the end of the day, setelah aktivitas kita, luangkanlah waktu berkontemplasi dengan Tuhan. Buka hati, dan terima koreksi-koreksi dari-Nya. Kadang kita cenderung membenarkan diri sendiri, tapi percayalah bahwa Ia tahu lebih dari Saudara.

Pada sisi lain, cerita mengenai menara Babel juga berarti satu hal. Persatuan atau yang biasa disebut unity adalah suatu hal yang luar biasa penting. Selain itu, komunikasi juga. Bagaimana tidak, ketika bahasa dipecah-belah, pembangunan menara tersebut langsung terhenti tanpa ada bekasnya lagi.

Janganlah kita menjauhkan diri dari pertemuan-pertemuan ibadah kita, seperti dibiasakan oleh beberapa orang, tetapi marilah kita saling menasihati, dan semakin giat melakukannya menjelang hari Tuhan yang mendekat.” –Ibr 10:25
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